New York Grand & New York Grand Ladies Auxiliary
Some thoughts from Dr. Potenza son of are late Brother John Potenza:
Dr. Mark S. Potenza, of Skaneateles, practices medicine in Camillus.
By Dr. Mark S. Potenza | Special to
I write solely to refocus our thoughts on what really matters right now during this COVID-19 pandemic: saving lives! Regardless of the sometimes frightening political and media rhetoric you may be hearing, take comfort in knowing our healthcare workers have got this.
So far, our fears about a lack of ventilators and a lack of hospital beds are proving wrong, due in large part to innovation and the tireless efforts of our healthcare workers. What will never be proven wrong is the commitment of these workers. They care only about saving lives. They have taken an oath to do so and will stop at nothing less. They represent the strongest, most important and unified force in the fight right now and deserve our unconditional support.
Every day, healthcare workers in the front lines risk illness to themselves and their families for the opportunity to save someone, period. Their actions represent the most altruistic behavior known to man, please do not forget that. I implore everyone, and particularly our elected officials, to stay out of their way. Let these workers serve their fellow citizens as only they know how. Do not withhold medications or treatments which, in their hands, work for them. Medicine is as much an art as it is a science. Let these artists finish their work.
From Syracuse, with love: Nurses bring supplies, expertise, hope to Long Island outbreak
22 Syracuse nurses drove to Long Island Thursday morning to help the battle against COVID-19
As you will see, many of these front-line workers will become ill. Although the vast majority will recover, it will not be the case for some of their closest co-workers. Those that do recover will be right back at it, saving our lives. They will “recycle” themselves and go to whatever hospital, city, or state needs them most, because that is what they do! They are our answer to beating this.
Finally, our healthcare workers expect nothing in return for the opportunity to serve us. It is up to the rest of us to show our appreciation for them. Take a moment every day and give your thanks, show your respect in any manner you see fit. Be as creative as you wish, but give them the time they need to grieve and reload for tomorrow’s fight. Their work is not yet done.
I am one of the many relatively protected healthcare workers in the “back lines” doing my part. My daughter, however, is an emergency room doctor in Albany. She and all of our family members and friends fighting this pandemic from the “front lines” are the real heroes.
We are stronger as one. Let us please put differences aside and join our healthcare workers in a unified front to fight this pandemic. As for our elected officials, it is their responsibility to include these healthcare workers in the next stimulus package because, without them, there would be no need for a stimulus.

Dear Brother Knights,
As Knights, we encounter Jesus in our families, friends and others we come in contact with them in our daily lives. Being close to them remind us of being close to Jesus. During this time of fear and COVID 19 pandemic, we need to be more concerned as knights about those who are going through the feeling of loneliness, anxiety and abandonment.
Being your Spiritual director, I should be concerned about your spiritual lives and the impact of these changes we are all going through in this moment of our lives. As Knights, the celebration of the Eucharist is central to our faith and that the absence is really felt deeply by us all. Social distancing is necessary for the good of humanity but we need to counter this with an increase what Our Holy Father Francis calls “ Spiritual Closeness” to Jesus and our brothers and Sisters.
This year’s Holy Week is going to be a quiet one. With the celebration of the Holy Eucharist suspended, Palm Sunday comes without palms, no procession, no singing, and no congregation. With churches closed during this pandemic, there will be no “washing of feet”, no adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after Holy Thursday evening Mass, no kissing of the Cross on Good Friday, no baptisms on Easter Vigil and no singing of “Alleluia” on Easter Sunday.
We feel like we are grounded and have to stay at home. We feel like being hemmed in. We are reminded of the night of the Passover, when the Israelites who were under slavery in Egypt were told to stay at home, to celebrate the Passover meal with their families. So while the “Stay at Home” message is echoed and drummed into us, let us know that this is a time grace from God. This is the time for us to be with our families and be family. This is the time for us to eat together and pray together. We don’t have to be afraid and hemmed in. We can watch Mass on TV and join prayer services going on in our Catholic communities.
Indeed this is the time of grace and blessing as we stay in and stay together as family and as people of God in prayer and keeping the flame of hope burning in the darkness of Covid 19. We ask Mary our Lady of Sorrows to intercede for her people in need of healing.
Wishing you God’s protection,
Have hope.
Rev. Fr. Alex Osei, C.S.Sp
Spiritual Advisor
Prayer for Healing
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, you care for us and provide us with everything we need.
You shower us with your love and mercy.
You send people into our lives to help care for us, especially in time of sickness or pain.
Help us to experience your presence in the midst of the uncertainties of the coming days and weeks. Heal those infected with the coronavirus and restore them to health, Ease the suffering of those who are dying and welcome into your kingdom those who have died. Give strength to health care professionals and give them your wisdom in their search for a cures
Strengthen our faith that we might be filled with hope in you.
Give us patience that we might accept our own limitations* Help us know we are not alone, that you walk with us each moment of our lives.
Be with us, Lord, in our time of need.
Heal us in body, soul and spirit that we may rejoice in your grace and blessings in this world and come to enjoy the fullness of your presence in the life to come. We make this prayer in your name, for you are our Risen Lord, Jesus. Amen.
Adapted from our Book of Prayers
Sacred Heart Southern Missions
A Prayer for Protection in Time of Pandemic
O Mary, you always brighten our path as a sign of salvation and of hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the Cross, took part in Jesus’ pain while remaining steadfast in faith.
0 loving Mother, you know what wee need, and we are confident you will provide for us as at Cana in Galilee,
Intercede for us with your Son Jesus, the Divine Physician, for those who have fallen ill, for those who are vulnerable, and for those who have died.Help us, 0 Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who took upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows, so as to lead us, through the Cross, to the glory of the Resurrection. Amen.
Intercede also for those charged with protecting the health and safety of others and for those who are tending to the sick and seeking a cure,
Under thy protection we seek refuge, 0 Holy Mother of God.
In our needs; despise not our petitions, but deliver us always from all dangers, 0 glorious and blessed Virgins Amen
Adapted from the Prayer of Pope Francis by Knights of Columbus
Sacred Heart Southern Missions
Prayer for Peace of Mind
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you knowing that you love me, care for me, and will never abandon meg
I want to be like Mary, who, in spite of her sorrows and great pain, was able to enjoy peace of mind in the midst of her suffering, confident that God was at her side to give her courage.
Help me to know that my suffering and pain too will pass, as you guide me along the right path and that only goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life.
Jesus, heal my heart and grant me peace of mind. Amen.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. St. Joseph our protector, pray for us.
Sacred Heart Southern Missions