New York Grand &  New York Grand Ladies  Auxiliary

Fr. Peter Iwuala
What Shall We Do?

The preaching of John the Baptism touched the crowd, the publicans, and the soldier in today’s Gospel, the Third Sunday of Advent. They posed the following question to John: “What should we do next?” (Lk 3:10).

Let us reflect briefly on this question.

First, they asked this question out of a touched heart rather than out of a sense of duty. We could argue that their enthusiasm for the Lord’s arrival, bolstered by the Holy Spirit’s guidance, prompted them to inquire. For example, when someone anticipates a special guest at their home, they will make numerous preparations, such as cleaning the house, preparing delicious meals, purchasing expensive drinks, and eagerly and impatiently waiting for their arrival. The same applies to the arrival of the Lord. The joy of the coming of the Lord should make us ask the same question: “What shall we do?”

By suggesting this question, the Gospel today reminds us that “Life has a task for us.” Life holds significance and is not subject to random events. It is a gift the Lord has given to us and advises us to discover who we are and work hard to actualize the dreams of our lives.

Always be mindful that each of us has a mission to accomplish in life. Therefore, do not be afraid to ask the Lord, “What shall I do?” It doesn’t matter how many times you ask this question; the Lord will patiently be attentive to respond to you. The only issue we face is being distracted from the present opportunities.

John the Baptist’s responses to the three groups mentioned above are different from each other. John recommends that those who have two tunics should share with those who do not have any; to the publicans who collect taxes, he says, “Collect no more than required” (Lk 3:13); to the soldiers: “Do not mistreat or extort money from anyone.” John gives specific instructions to everyone, tailored to their unique life circumstances. This leads us to the lesson about “The incarnation of faith in concrete life.”

This teaching posits that faith is not merely theoretical or abstract, but rather, it manifests itself through practical, everyday actions and experiences. Let me break down some key implications: 

Faith is a lived reality, manifested through actions, choices, and interactions. It becomes meaningful when it influences daily life, shaping personal convictions and relationships. Human experience deeply integrates faith, encompassing emotional, psychological, and physical dimensions. Concrete living, where personal experiences validate and deepen spiritual understanding, realizes its transformative potential.

As Christmas approaches, consider concrete actions to take, even small ones, to help those in need. Consider calling, visiting, serving, asking for forgiveness, clarifying situations, and reactivating prayer. Praying to Mary, who became God’s flesh, can also help us in these difficult times.

Fr. Peter Iwuala 

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