New York Grand & New York Grand Ladies Auxiliary
Comm # 385 , Donated 2 new American Flags to the Notre Dame Elementary School, on December 9th ,2024.
Father Hage addressed the Congration , blessed the flags,
which were then presented to Principal Mrs. Rossi.
see photos below.
Father Hage addresing the congration
Blessing the Flags
Presenting the flags to Principal Mrs. Rossi
Congratulation to Andrew Voce on his Promotion to Brig. Gen. and new Supreme Webmaster.
Below is a list of all the new Supreme Officers elected at The convention.
Supreme Officers:
President – Tom DeLuca
1VP – Martin Bella
2VP – Patrick Igwilo
Secretary – CJ Okafor
Treasurer – Terry McCann
Trustee (US) – Don Anibogu
Trustee (Africa) – Gerald Ganda
Advisors to the Supreme Exec Board:
Spiritual Advisor: Msgr. Britto
Inspector General: Doug Halleaux
Counsel: Aaron Tingba
Undersecretaries & Other:
Quartermaster: Matt Trossman
Journal: Mike Days
Website: Andrew Voce
Ritual: Tim Redinger
Supreme Advisory Board Secretary: Francis Kollie
Supreme Assistant Secretary: Peter Ozemoya
Delegates Meeting and Degrees Instalation
Pictures courtesy of Lt. Lawrence Ibe
NY Grand Participates in the New York State Eucharistic Congress
From the desk of NY Grand Secretary Col. Rudolph Weedor:
Thanks to all those who participated yesterday during the Eucharistic Congress of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. The Knights and Ladies of St. John Int’l were represented although in small number but given huge responsibilities participating in the Mass Procession and recession. The Knights were also positioned as the lead Knights behind the Holy Cross of the procession.
I am grateful to Sir Knight Andrew Voce for bringing this to our attention. I don’t know how thank Bro. Jason Fazio for his dedication and participation. The Grand President B/G Charles Abiakwe was at the Congress with Brothers and Sisters of the New York Grand Commandery. (See pictures)
Built in 1930, this Coliseum of Our Lady of Martyrs has been a place of spiritual refreshment, light, and peace for the many thousands who have come here to pray where the Martyrs died and St. Kateri Tekakwitha was born. The Coliseum, built chiefly of maroon, tan, and yellow brick, symbolizes the great golden city of St. Isaac Jogues’ prophetic vision that he saw standing on the grounds of the Mohawk Village. The eight North American Martyrs are represented in marble statues, one over each of the eight double doors. In all, there are 72 doors recalling the 72 disciples Jesus commissioned (Luke 10:1-20).Please enter and offer your prayers before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Then, inspired as were the 72, go forth and proclaim the Faith to a world hungry for the light and truth of Jesus Christ.We appreciate your visit to Auriesville, dear Friend. May you find peace and blessing in this beautiful and holy place.The Shrine is maintained entirely by the generosity of pilgrims and lay faithful. We are grateful to those who help us care for the financial needs of the Shrine. Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine is owned and operated by Friends of Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine, Inc. a not-for-profit organization in fidelity of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
B.G. Ron Attanasio, President of Schenectady’s Commandery 100.
Presenting check in Honor of ST. John the Baptist Feast Day
Sister Linda Neil, CSJ, Rev. Dominic Isopo and
St Joseph’s Place is an inner city mission, serving the Hamilton Hill Community.
Pictures of the 2023 NY Grand Convention,
Courtesy of Brig.Gen. Ron Attanasio Comm #100
If any one else has pictures please send them to me.