New York Grand & New York Grand Ladies Auxiliary
New York Grand News
Congratulation to Andrew Voce on his Promotion to Brig. Gen. and new Supreme Webmaster.
Below is a list of all the new Supreme Officers elected at The convention.
Supreme Officers:
President – Tom DeLuca
1VP – Martin Bella
2VP – Patrick Igwilo
Secretary – CJ Okafor
Treasurer – Terry McCann
Trustee (US) – Don Anibogu
Trustee (Africa) – Gerald Ganda
Advisors to the Supreme Exec Board:
Spiritual Advisor: Msgr. Britto
Inspector General: Doug Halleaux
Counsel: Aaron Tingba
Undersecretaries & Other:
Quartermaster: Matt Trossman
Journal: Mike Days
Website: Andrew Voce
Ritual: Tim Redinger
Supreme Advisory Board Secretary: Francis Kollie
Supreme Assistant Secretary: Peter Ozemoya
Click below for Supreme Convention Info
Saint Mother Marianne’s Kitchen Donation Evelyn’s House Donation
Fraternally, Andrew Voce , President
I received an email from Al Gbi Toe Commandery #960 and they are going to swear in about 10 new members The first part of December 2020, congratulations to all the members of Commandery #960. I am sorry I cannot attend because of the coronavirus but hope to see everyone in person as soon as we are able to travel.
Please visit the New York Grand web site ( Dominick has done a very good job in updating everything, except he needs a picture of all the officers in uniform from the waist up. Please get them to him as soon as you can, thank you.
May God bless all of us and keep us and our families safe from the coronavirus. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year if we do not get a chance to talk before then.
Richard A. Morse
New York Grand President
“In God We Trust”
Blessings Brother Knights,
As announced at the previous Supreme Board meeting of August 22, 2020 and published in the September 2020 Knights Journal, the Supreme President cancelled Muster and Inspection for this year in light of the pandemic. I ask that you forward this information to your Grand Secretaries for distribution for those commands which might not be aware that this has been cancelled- I have already received a report. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Fraternally yours,
MG Sean Dey
Inspector General
Retirement of the Supreme Secertary. Lt.Gen. Tom Zdanowicz
Click here for pdf
Congratulations to Captain Titus Osuagwu, of Commandery #680 who was given a pholanthropic award by The International Human Rights Commission of the United Nations and also sworen in as a “Justice of Peace (JP)” on Friday, January 27, 2017 at the United Nations. It may also interest you to note that Titus is a member of the United Nations 2030 High-Level Committee on Cultural Heritage “A Pathway to Economic Developement”.
District News Letters
4th District March 2021
4th District April 2020
Comm.#385 Installation of Officers —January 8-2023
Andrew Voce President
Anthony Gerardo–Secretary
David Wojcik – Trustee